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B2B Trade Show Success Tool Kit: Marketing Strategy

audience for speaker at a trade show

If you're attending or exhibiting at an upcoming trade show, you don't want to miss our eBook, "B2B Trade Show Success Tool Kit: Marketing Strategy." You'll learn why people go to trade show expos (both in-person and virtually), the essential channels for promoting your attendance, and how to leverage any connections made once you're back home.

What’s Your B2B Trade Show Marketing Strategy?

The average B2B trade show attracts over 400 exhibitors. But the average trade show attendee only visits 25-31 exhibits during the event. What’s your plan to stand out from the sea of other exhibitors and attract the best possible audience?

Creating an eye-catching, impactful digital marketing strategy for your B2B trade show expo is essential. Trade shows can be expensive and time-consuming, particularly if you’re traveling out of the state. There’s lots of planning and targeted messaging you’ll need to plan at least a month in advance if you want to get the most out of the event.

By reading our eBook, “B2B Trade Show Success Tool Kit: Marketing Strategy,” you’ll learn:

  • Top marketing channels to use before, during, and after your trade show
  • Creative ways to help your booth stand out from your fellow exhibitors
  • How to target the right audience with your messaging
  • Why people attend trade shows in person vs. virtually
  • Key statistics to keep in mind as you’re crafting your strategy
  • Ways to follow up with anyone you met during the expo

This is an eBook you won’t want to miss. Want some extra help planning your B2B trade show digital marketing strategy? Reach out to our experts to get started!

B2B Trade Show Success Tool Kit: Marketing Strategy

Elevate Your Trade Show Marketing Strategy

Fill out the form below and we'll send you a copy of our downloadable eBook that you can use to drive success at your next B2B trade show event.