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How Information Architecture Influences Your Brand & Website

website information architecture

What Does Your Website Say About Your Business?

Your website is doing a lot of talking for your business. The website is your virtual storefront and billboard all in one: it’s often the first point of contact that potential customers have with your business, and it may be the only contact they have as they move through the buyer’s journey.

What is your website saying about your business? What are you communicating to your customers? Make sure that your website includes the right details about your business–and that you aren’t mistakenly communicating things that you don’t want to include in your information to your customers.


What Does Your Business Offer?

Does your website clearly indicate the product or service that you’re providing to your customers? This should include:

  • Photos: Clear images of the actual products you’re selling. When possible, avoid using stock images for your photos. Instead, take your own high-quality, professional photos of your products. They’ll help your business stand out from the crowd.
  • Product descriptions: Don’t fall into the trap of using the manufacturer’s standard product descriptions for your products. Instead, take the time to clearly write your own well-crafted product descriptions. The difference is incredible!
  • Services list: If you offer services, make sure that it’s very clear exactly what services you offer. You want potential clients to be able to easily tell what services you provide, rather than questioning whether or not you’ll offer exactly what they want.


Can You Fulfill the Client’s Needs?

Clients want to see proof that you’re able to fully fulfill their needs. Make sure you offer them the full range of information they need:

  • Demos: Can they try the product before they buy it to make sure that it genuinely fits their needs?
  • Features list: What features does your product offer? How is it different from other, similar products on the market?
  • Testimonials: What do other people think about your product? Social proof matters, so provide as much information to your clients as you can.
  • Trial offers: Give your clients the chance to try out a trial period. Will the product really work in their preferred setting? A trial lets them determine for sure


Will Your Website Do What You Say It Will?

You’re a great source of information about your product, but your customers want to know that it’s accurate. Before they buy, they want to see:

  • Testimonials from other users
  • Case studies concerning your product
  • Demos
  • Photos of your product in use
  • Trial offers


What Does Your Product Cost?

Without a pricing page, customers can’t decide whether or not your product will work for their business. Make sure you include a pricing page with relevant information about all of your products and services. Your pricing page can include price ranges if necessary, but it should show clear, actual prices. This will help customers determine whether or not they can afford your services.


Is Your Company Trustworthy?

Is it worthwhile to do business with you? There are several key pages that can help establish your worth as a company and let potential customers know that you will be a great fit for them, including:

  • Case studies, which showcase the portfolio of work you’ve done for previous clients and how you achieved their goals
  • Client logos from current, satisfied clients, which can serve as social proof
  • An “About” page that describes more information about your company, giving customers a better idea of what you stand for
  • Your team photos page that will show your customers exactly who works for your business
  • Mission and history information that establishes your place in the community and what your company is out to accomplish

How Can Customers Get More Information?
Your website lays out a great deal of the information for them, but it might not contain it all. Where can customers go if they want to learn more? Provide a contact form, calls to action, and contact information for your company. It can also be helpful to provide a live chat or help forum where customers can ask questions.


What Is It Like to Use Your Product?

Your customers are almost ready to dive in–but as a last step, they want to see more about what it’s really like to use your product. Consider:

  • Videos: Videos provide clear evidence of exactly what your product looks like and does.
  • Demonstrations: Offer a look at other customers using the product or allow customers to check it out for themselves.
  • Photos: Photos can provide evidence about the services you offer or allow customers to see how you’ve accomplished the job for other customers.

You want a website that looks its best and provides the right information for your customers–and we’re here to help. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help with your website design.