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What’s a Call-to-Action (CTA) and Its Benefits?

what is CTA - call to action

How Can a CTA Improve Your B2B Website?

Consumers are inundated with marketing messages every day. A constant barrage of videos, images, and text promise solutions to every possible problem. The result? An audience primed for decision fatigue. And a frustrated, confused reader is far less likely to become a paying client.

So, what’s the solution? A clear call-to-action, also known as a CTA. Read on to learn how using the right CTA can help create a better user experience and keep them engaged with your brand.


Destroy decision fatigue and confusion

This simple directive statement tells your prospective client what to do and where to go next, making the user journey crystal clear. An effective call-to-action eliminates confusion, allowing your website visitor to take the appropriate next steps. That might be to visit a certain page or to book a call, or to read a specific article.


Grow your audience and increase sales

They can be as simple as “Follow us on Twitter” or as impactful as “Call Now.” They serve as a way to directly state your needs as a business. Whatever is most important to you at the time can become a call-to-action.

From social media posts to articles to static landing pages, each piece of content that includes a CTA becomes a powerful piece of your marketing machine.


Are the CTAs on your website driving conversions? If not, consider reviewing your website to optimize user experience, download the website checklist


Direct your reader’s actions based on their needs

When each piece of content has a clear call-to-action, there’s no doubt as to the intention of the content, and the reader isn’t left clicking away out of confusion or apathy. Your content builds intrigue and excitement, and your CTA allows the reader to dig more deeply into the topic or become a paying customer.

If you’re unsure of your readers’ needs, now may be a good time to revisit your personas to improve your digital strategy.


Ensure that each piece of content is meaningful

Often there is pressure to create new content (in the form of blog posts, videos, podcast episodes, etc.) simply for the sake of having something new and fresh on your website. And while updated content is important, it needs to have a purpose. By attaching a clear CTA to each new content piece you’re ensuring the content fits into your overall B2B marketing plan, helping you to build a larger audience and convert more into clients.

The right roadmap will keep you accountable and help your company succeed. A Strategic Marketing Plan involves setting goals and objectives, analyzing internal and external business factors, and implementation. Download our Strategic Marketing Plan template to help attract prospects, engage leads, and convert customers.


7 Types of CTAs that Improve Your B2B Conversion Rates

A call-to-action, or CTA, prompts users to perform a certain action or visit a specific page. Typically, there are seven types of CTAs and each of these serves the same purpose through different methods: to increase visibility and raise profit margins. When used correctly and effectively, a CTA enhances a site and improves business.

The 7 most common types of CTAs are:

  1. Leads – The lead CTA intends to convert visitors into buyers. While not everyone will buy, they also serve to offer additional opportunities to users who aren’t ready to buy.
  2. Forms – A form submission converts unknown visitors into identifiable leads.
  3. Service or Product Discovery – These are the most common found across websites. They lead visitors to products or services offered by the company.
  4. Sharing – The sharing CTA prompts visitors to share your content across social media, thus improving your online visibility.
  5. Continue Reading – A “read (or learn) more” button encourages users to continue reading condensed information, allowing for concise display without loss of visibility.
  6. Event Promoter – Events aren’t events without participants. This CTA alerts users to learn about and register for specialized events or promotions.
  7. Sale Closer – Closing sales is the end goal for all companies. The closing sale CTA urges visitors to conclude their business without the discomfort of hard sales.

Choosing which CTA to use and where to use it depends on your audience’s needs as well as your company’s goals. Do you know what your customers want to hear right now? Do you know what their motivations are over time?

Make sure your content and CTAs are not only where you want to lead your site visitor along their journey, but it is relevant to where your audience wants to be taken next.



CTAs Help Improve Your Conversion Rate Optimization Efforts

Improving your website performance often results in increasing conversion rates. Not sure how to get started on updating your website? Check out our free 12-point website checklist to get inspired. CTAs, proven effective in these areas, define a larger part of success than imagined.

  • CTAs on the landing page increase conversion rates by 80%.
  • Revenue increases by 83% when relevant and well placed.
  • Site and product sign-up increases by 34%.

That’s for business alone. In respect to improving visitor engagement, an important aspect of any website, CTAs provide the following user experience:

  • Establishes connections between a consumer’s desire and availability.
  • Provides immediate access to content, decreasing a potential consumer’s stress and frustration.
  • Quicker location of products and services.
  • A decrease in frustration and increase in usability, in turn, increases consumer loyalty.


Boost Conversions for Your B2B Website

Would you like to see an increase in visitor engagement and conversion rates on your B2B website? Do you want to learn more about how to integrate calls-to-action into your content? Contact BNP Engage today to learn more! (See what we did there?)